How to Deal With Constipation Naturally

Constipation is a condition of the digestive system in which the body absorbs too much water from the food as it passes through the colon, causing it to be dry and hard. This makes it difficult and even painful to pass. Diet, hormones, physical reasons, medications or illness can cause constipation. Anyone who has ever experienced it knows that it is a very uncomfortable condition that you would want to treat quickly. If you are looking for natural relief, follow these steps.

Things You'll Need

  • Water Fruit Vegetables Whole grains
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    • 1

      Increase your fiber and liquid intake. Consuming more foods that are rich in fiber, such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains, as well as drinking more liquids, especially water, may help kick-start your digestive system. This may yield some relief from constipation.

    • 2

      Get in more gym time. Exercise is one common natural treatment for constipation, as it gives the digestive system a boost.

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      Don't fight the urge to go to the bathroom when you feel it. Just as holding urine too long can cause a urinary tract infection, fighting a bowel movement can cause constipation. If your body is telling you to use the restroom, it is best to go immediately.

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      Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeinated beverages like soda and certain kinds of tea, as these drinks cause you to become dehydrated. This can exacerbate the problem or create a problem when you didn't have one.

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      Take a walk about an hour after eating. This will cause your food to take less time to move through your intestines, which means less time for water to be absorbed out of the food you just consumed. This decreases your chances of experiencing constipation.

    • 6

      Visit your doctor if you suffer from chronic constipation and changing your diet and water intake doesn't solve it. Don't turn to strong laxatives, which your digestive system may become dependent on.

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