Natural Cures for a Hangover
Drink a glass of juice. Sugar in general, but especially fructose, helps dilute alcohol from your system faster and more effectively. You can also try alternating a small glass of juice with your alcoholic drinks, so the chances of getting drunk in the first place are a lot lower. In both cases, juices with more concentration of sugar are better than those diluted.
Have lots of water. Not only does water help flush toxins from your body, but it will also help replenish lost fluids due to the body’s processing of alcohol. Taking a dose of vitamin B (especially B12), which is also lost during alcohol processing, can also help.
Consume some coffee or tea. Caffeine constricts blood vessels, which is why it is such a good headache medicine. Add honey to your cup for some natural sugar. Remember to drink more water if you are drinking coffee, as caffeine dehydrates.
Sip soda. A glass of Coca Cola provides both caffeine and sugar, as well as some gas, to ease the nausea. Other soft drinks are also okay, but Coca Cola has the highest caffeine concentration.
Eat something light. It will, more than likely, ease the nausea. Simple, dense foods like bananas or peanut butter are best. Or, try a small sandwich. Stay away from condiments or strong spices, which can cause nausea or increase your headache.