How to Ease an Upset Stomach With Food
Drink carbonated beverages. An upset stomach can often be caused by built-up gas. As the gas builds, your stomach cramps and will cause you to double over in pain. Drinking a carbonated beverage can bring relief by causing you to burp. As you burp, you will feel relief as the gas is expelled from your body.
Eat bread and crackers to help absorb acid. Heartburn is never fun, especially when you’re trying to sleep. If acid keeps you up at night, ease your upset stomach with bread or crackers before laying down. Both of these foods will help relieve your pain.
Cut back on dairy products. If your upset stomach is due to illness, you should avoid dairy products. The fat in dairy products can cause stomach problems to worsen. If your doctor diagnoses you with a virus, ask if you should cut back.
Treat nausea with ginger. China has been using ginger to ease stomach troubles for thousands of years. You can either add crushed ginger to your tea or you can also drink ginger ale. Either option will help relieve nausea.
Brew a cup of chamomile tea. Many people recommend peppermint tea for nausea. The only downside is that people who suffer from acid reflux may not be able to consume peppermint, which tends to aggravate the condition. Another option is chamomile tea, which not only helps with nausea, but will also help ease bloating and pain.