How to Stop Esophageal Reflux
Rule out certain conditions that could cause esophageal reflux. These conditions are sleep apnea, esophagitis, hiatal hernia, gastric ulcer and peptic ulcer. If any of these conditions are found, they must be treated by a doctor before moving forward.
Initiate good sleep hygiene. This would include sleeping at the same time, exercise, diet, positioning and stress management. Start by making a list of things that are keeping you from sleeping. Until they are addressed, they will play a role in this problem of esophageal reflux. Additionally, begin a regular exercise program. This will aid in stress management as well as digestion.
Begin a temporary program of taking Prylosec at night. Begin taking Mylanta before meals. Begin eating heavy meals early in the afternoon, with a lighter meal for supper. At this time, avoid soda.
Wait until at least 4 hours have passed before going to bed. Lying down immediately after eating is asking for trouble. It is a good idea to do a little exercise prior to going to bed to help settle the stomach. Go to bed at the same time every night.
Prop a pillow under your back and head to keep the esophagus in a downward bent. This further aids in keeping acid down where it belongs.