How to Identify Gastritis
Experience nausea or ongoing upset stomach. Many digestive disorders cause abdominal discomfort. Thus, it’s important to rule out other conditions. However, upset stomach or nausea is a common symptom with gastritis. Discomfort generally occurs after meals.
Deal with constant abdominal bloating. If you have gastritis, you likely have abdominal bloating. Thus, your clothes may feel tight, and your stomach may stick out. In addition, abdominal bloating causes an overall uncomfortable feeling, which makes it difficult to sleep or relax.
Vomiting food or blood. Vomiting blood isn’t normal. If this happens, you need to see a doctor. Since gastritis causes stomach inflammation and indigestion, vomiting may be a regular occurrence. However, medication can help settle stomach acid.
Have loss of appetite. Symptoms of gastritis vary from person-to-person. Hence, you may experience a loss of appetite. As a result, you may experience weight loss.
Notice stools that are dark or bloody. Again, blood in the gastrointestinal tract isn’t normal. But, if you have gastritis, you may occasionally have dark, tarry stools, or notice blood in the stool. Still, inform your doctor of any stool changes, as this might indicate a more serious condition such as colon cancer.
Observe that symptoms intensify after eating spicy foods. If you have gastritis, it’s best to stay away from hot or spicy foods. These foods can irritate the stomach lining.