How to Diagnose Lactase Deficiency With a Blood Test
Fast for a minimum of 8 hours before you have your blood drawn.
Refrain from strenuous exercise for 8 hours prior to the test.
Drink a beverage containing lactose that your doctor gives you in her office.
Allow your medical practitioner to draw your blood at intervals your doctor determines.
Wait for the lab results. The lab technicians look for glucose in your blood when your doctor orders a lactose intolerance test, because the lactase enzyme in your body breaks lactose down into glucose and galactose.
Determine what the test results mean. If your glucose level is higher than 30 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) after two hours of drinking the lactose solution, you do not have lactase deficiency. If your glucose level is 20-30 mg/dL, your doctor may order more tests for further information. If your glucose rises to below 20 mg/dL, it clearly indicates an abnormality.