How to Prevent Peritonitis
How to Prevent Peritonitis
Take antibiotics if you have a condition that can lead to peritonitis. Peritonitis is typically caused when you have a condition like liver failure. If you take antibiotics, you can generally prevent peritonitis from further complicating your existing conditions.
Use sterile techniques when treating your other conditions. If you have a disorder that is known to potentially lead to peritonitis, use sterilized tools and gauze only to treat your other conditions. If you are undergoing peritoneal dialysis, use equipment that has been properly sterilized to prevent infection and peritonitis.
Talk with your physician or surgeon about your concerns about obtaining peritonitis. Your health care professional should show great care about your concerns and help you avoid this additional disorder by using any steps possible.
Allow your body to have proper time to heal from your other conditions. Don't just jump back into work or physical activities after you have had surgeries or a condition that often leads to peritonitis. If you give your body ample time to recover, it will lessen your chances of acquiring peritonitis.
Have regular check ups by your doctor to check on your other conditions and to make sure you aren't going down the pathway of acquiring peritonitis. You can usually tell if you have the beginning stages of this disease by feeling the outside of your abdomen. Peritonitis will cause the lining of your abdomen to become tough or firm.