How to Relieve Hiatal Hernia Symptoms
Eat small meals. The larger meal will engorge the stomach. This can cause the stomach content to push it's way back up into the esophagus. There is also less chance of gas with a smaller meal.
Stay in an upright position after eating. When you lay down the food can come back up if you have a hiatal hernia. Walking after a meal can help aid in digestion. This will allow the stomach to return to a normal size more quickly. Laying down will relax you and the metabolism slows down. This can lead to painful gas and acid reflux, not to mention weight gain.
Neutralize stomach acid. This can be done with medications. Medications like Nexium or Pepcid AC can help to relieve the certain symptoms associated with a hiatal hernia. You can also start watching what you eat. Foods that naturally cause heartburn, such as spicy foods, should be avoided.
Schedule a checkup. There are times the symptoms of a hiatal hernia can be confused with a heart attack. You should rule out the possibility of a heart condition. Your physician can also advise you as to what medications may work to alleviate some of the symptoms of the hiatal hernia.
Prevent further damage to the esophagus, stomach, and hiatus by following the prescribed treatment of your physician. Age, diet, and lifestyle can affect the seriousness of the hiatal hernia. Always follow up with routine office visits to keep healthy.