How to Cure Indigestion
Things You'll Need
- Baking soda
- Over-the-counter antacids
To reduce the Occurrence of Indigestion
Monitor your eating habits to determine what causes you to suffer from indigestion. You will undoubtedly notice that some foods and situations bring on symptoms of indigestion. Note these and avoid them in the future.
Avoid overeating, especially high fat content foods. These are difficult to digest and are likely to cause some degree of discomfort. Overeating causes the stomach to work harder and makes digestion more difficult. The result may be bloating, gas, or heartburn.
Avoid eating too quickly. Your stomach needs time to adjust to the food that is being eaten. Eating quickly can also trap air in the stomach causing excessive gas and bloating. Take your time and eat meals in a relaxed atmosphere.
Avoid smoking. If you can not quit completely, avoid smoking prior to meals.
Avoid high acid and spicy foods. Some people have a difficult time digesting them which often results in heartburn.
Avoid exercising with a full stomach. Schedule exercise before meals or at least two hours after a meal to prevent indigestion.
Reduce stress. Stress is a major contributor to indigestion. If you are relaxed and stress free, your body can devote its energy to digesting food.
To Treat Active Indigestion Symptoms
Sleep with your head elevated if indigestion occurs at night. This will reduce the chances of acid reflux and will allow you to get a good night's sleep. If acid reflux is persistent and occurs on a nightly basis, you should seek the advice of your physician to begin appropriate medical treatment.
Try over-the-counter antacids to relieve heartburn and gas. There are many available to choose from, although what works for one person may not work for another. If the antacid you choose is not effective, don't give up. Try another brand of antacid until you find one that works. For some, fruity flavored antacids can actually make the heartburn worse.
Use home remedies for occasional indigestion. One teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in a glass of warm water will quickly rid heartburn. This is not recommended on a regular basis and should be used with caution for anyone on a sodium restricted diet. It is a good remedy for that late night bout of indigestion when there are no other alternatives.