How to Develop an Acid Reflux Disease Diet
Keep a journal of your daily activities for a week to determine your personal acid reflux triggers. While there are certain foods that are known to cause acid reflux in many people, such as orange juice and tomato-based pasta sauces, not everyone responds to food in the same way. What causes problems for a family member or friend with the condition may not bother you.
Limit your alcohol consumption. Beer, wine, and other alcoholic beverages are very hard on the sensitive lining of your stomach. If you're not willing to abstain from alcohol entirely, consider limiting your drinking to one or two drinks per week.
Make a point to eat at least one banana per day, preferably about 30 minutes before your main meal. Research has shown that bananas are an important part of the acid reflux disease diet. Bananas suppress acid secretion in the stomach and contain protease inhibitors that work to eliminate the bacteria that can cause stomach ulcers.
If you frequently go out to eat, remember that you can ask for your food to be specially prepared in many restaurants. If you're polite and courteous, most cooks will be happy to remove spicy sauces and other ingredients that could cause problems with your acid reflux disease diet. However, keep in mind that is customary to provide a generous tip when you receive special services like this.