How to Identify Symptoms of Roundworms
The thought of worms inside the body is enough to cause great alarm in many individuals, especially parents who discover that their child has been diagnosed with roundworms. While fairly common in children, it is possible for adults to contract roundworms as well. Learning to identify symptoms of roundworms is important in order to obtain treatment and avoid complications such as migration to other body parts and, though rare, an intestinal blockage. Several different types of roundworms exist, some which are microscopic in size. Typically, roundworms enter the body through infected water or hands contaminated with infected soil. Such conditions are often found in crowded living areas and in some fertilizers and enriched soils.Instructions
Discovering roundworms is not always straightforward or easy. Children are especially difficult to diagnose because they don't verbalize symptoms like adults do. One of the most common symptoms of roundworms are an erratic or decreased appetite accompanied by lack of weight gain. In some cases, children and adults may experience actual weight loss.
Restless sleep habits are another indication that something is not quite right. This symptom leads to a sense of chronic fatigue expressed by increased irritability.
Experiencing some stomach discomfort or pain is often felt. Some children and adults may even experience bouts of diarrhea.
Inspecting bowel movements may produce some signs of roundworms, which are occasionally passed through evacuation. Some parents have found roundworms in their child's bed.
Finding low grade temperatures is also common. While symptoms may mimic signs and symptoms of flu, the symptoms don't ease as they do with such conditions. If you or your child continues to experience symptoms after a few days, schedule a visit with your family doctor for evaluation.