How to Stop Burping
Give up the carbonated beverages. Carbonation in soda contains air. When the air gets into your stomach, it creates gas, which later produces a burp.
Eat your meals slowly. The slower you eat, the harder it is for air to get in. Eating fast allows air to pass through more freely.
Chew your food completely before you swallow it. Chew each bite at least 20 times before you swallow it to minimize the amount of air that gets in.
Avoid chewing bubble gum. Swallowing saliva allows air to travel with it down to the stomach. If you must chew gum, make sure you do so with your mouth closed to limit the air that gets in.
Eliminate foods from your diet that produce lots of gas. Some of these foods are onions, milk, ice cream, alcohol, mints and chocolate.
Consider taking an over-the-counter medication that helps to minimize the gas in your stomach.