How to Stop Belching

Belching happens in all of us and is caused when air is swallowed into the body by eating food or producing extra air as gas from digestion processes internally. The body tries to eliminate this extra air by different ways, and belching is one method. The medical term for belching is called aerophagia. Here are some tips to reduce the symptoms of belching.

Things You'll Need

  • Awareness
  • Practice
  • Simethicone (Maalox, Mylanta)
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      The key to prevent belching or reduce the frequency is to be prevent swallowing air. Become aware of the number of times you swallow your saliva, because each time you do, a small amount of air is also taken into the body. People who are highly anxious or have a nervous disposition are more likely to increase the rate of the swallowing action, or with individuals who are "compulsive swallowers" it can become
      a habit. The way to reduce this reflex is to first become aware that it is happening and then learn to control the action consciously or enlist the help of family and friends to let you know each time you are swallowing.

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      Changing certain habits and lifestyle can also help to reduce belching. The bad habit of chewing gum or tobacco causes one to swallow a lot of air into the body, thus increases frequency of belching.

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      The way one eats can also cause belching. It is better to eat slowly and chew the food completely before swallowing. Always chew with your mouth closed to reduce extra air being swallowed with the food.

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      Don't drink fluids that are carbonated, for example, soft drinks, cider and carbonated alcoholic beverages. Avoid canned drinks and try not to drink through a straw.

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      Avoid certain foods, vegetables or spices that are known to cause extra gas in the stomach which increases the likelihood of belching. Also avoid foods that have high air content, for example, souffles, beer and whipped cream.

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      Certain over-the-counter medications such as Maalox and Mylanta contain a compound called simethicone that can help to reduce the amount of gas produced inside the body. These substances work by reducing the size of the air bubbles in the intestine, thereby reducing the belching reflex.

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