How to Control Hiatal Hernia by Dietary and Lifestyle Changes
Eat small meals to control the production of stomach acid. The same goes for fatty and spicy foods. Avoid acidic foods and alcohol and wait for three hours after a meal before eating again.
Drink plenty of water, avoid caffeine and eat fiber-rich foods, in order to stay regular. Managing what goes into your body helps you control your hiatal hernia.
Stop smoking and chewing tobacco, drink alcohol sparingly and get plenty of exercise. These are a few, necessary lifestyle changes that help you control your hiatal hernia.
Start a weight loss program in conjunction with your exercise regime. Excess weight is often the reason for discomfort. Weight loss and exercise helps control your symptoms and relieves your discomfort.
Alleviate pressure on your stomach area. The hiatal hernia originates from a defect in the diaphragm. Weakened muscles in the diaphragm push part of your stomach back up into the chest area. Avoid lying down shortly after a meal and wearing tight clothing.