How to Alleviate and Avoid Constipation
A large majority of the population in this country have poor or substandard colon health awareness or lack the knowledge about how important it is to maintain a healthy colon to prevent other illnesses and medical complications, increase vitality and energy, and allow the reabsorption and detoxification processes of the colon to function at its optimum level over one's lifetime.
The anatomy and physiology of the colon is important to understand so it will help you avoid or reduce the frequency of constipation. The role of the colon is reabsorption of fluid, water , nutrients and minerals from the digested food and substances back into the body before it is eliminated and expelled form the body as fecal matter. That is why a healthy and clean colon is so important to a healthy body, mind and spirit and to avoid getting constipation.
This article will help you find ways to reduce and alleviate symptoms of constipation.
DIET, FLUID AND FIBER INTAKE. One way to help address your constipation and reduce the frequency of occurrence is to take a good look at your diet and make appropriate changes. Is there enough fiber intake?...or do you drink enough fluids (water) each day to maintain soft, consistency in stool formation when it passes through the colon. It is recommended for adults to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water daily and to include at least 25 - 30 grams of fiber in the diet by the American Dietetic Association.
COLON CLEANSING. Another way to reduce and alleviate symptoms of constipation is to maintain a healthy colon by becoming educated and informed to the various options available to clean and detoxify the body and the colon from toxins and waste by-products from the foods and potential carcinogens (cancer-causing substances) that we ingest in the body. A regular colon cleanse will help to flush out all the toxins that have accumulated in the colon and will reduce the risk of getting constipation. It will help to flush out trapped fecal waste, remove harmful bacteria and organisms in the bowel, and help to encourage growth of intestinal flora that is essential to keep a healthy colon.
There are several methods to cleanse the colon:
Fasting (total, water, fruit fasting), Chemical Colon Cleansing, Herbal Colon Cleansing, Enemas, Colonic Irrigation, Laxatives.Read my article entitled "HOW TO UNDERSTAND DIFFERENT TYPES OF COLON CLEANSING METHODS TO PREVENT CONSTIPATION"
The ANATOMY of the colon is important to understand if we want to maintain a healthy colon and reduce the risk of getting constipation. The colon is basically a long tube approximately 5 ft to 6 ft in length and made up of muscles that contracts involuntary in a "wave-like" fashion called PERISTALSIS movement in order to move the digested food along it passageway. Like regular exercising needed to maintain good health, for example, cardiovascular exercises to keep a healthy heart muscle pumping, then regular exercises, like walking, jogging, yoga, swimming, etc, will help to keep the colon musculature functioning at its optimum and will help to prevent constipation by moving the food faster through the bowel.
HERBAL REMEDIES. Herbs can also be helpful in reducing the symptoms of constipation. For example, cascara sagrada (also called Rhamnus Purshiana Bark or Sacred Bar)is a natural laxative and is very effective but used improperly it can agitate the GI tract and cause vomiting, bloody diarrhea, bloating and abdominal cramps. Another important fact to know about this herb is that it should NOT be taken for more than seven consecutive days because excessive use can cause the colon to be dependent on it.
Another powerful plant is Senna and is used as a natural relief for constipation symptoms. The plant contains a chemical compound called anthraquinones, which possesses a powerful laxative effect. But be cautious when taking this laxative. Do not take more than seven days as it can cause permanent and long term damage and complications to the colon. -
MEDICATION. Certain medications have effects on the colon causing or exacerbating constipation. Be careful when you take medications and inform your doctor that you suffer from constipation or have a history of this medical condition. Some antidepressants, sedatives, anti-parkinson drugs are common medications that can cause constipation. Also supplements and over-the-counter drugs, like, antacids (containing calcium or aluminium) and antihistamines can have the same effects.
PSYLLIUM AND FLAXSEED. Adding certain amount of Psyllium and flaxseed into the diet regularly will help to reduce and relieve the symptoms of constipation. Psyllium works by absorbing water and swelling inside the colon producing a substance called mucilage which attaches itself to the impacted fecal matter in the colon. Remember to drink plenty of water to prevent constipation while taking Psyllium or products containing psyllium.