How to Avoid Constipation
Eat a fiber-rich diet. Aim for at least 30 g. of dietary fiber per day. Foods that are rich in fiber include fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and whole grains. Try to eat fiber-rich foods at every meal to stay regular and to promote your general health.
Drink plenty of water. Doctors recommend that you drink eight 8 oz. glasses of water every day. Water will help soften your stools, and that can make your bowel movements less painful.
Eat smaller meals. Eating three large meals every day can lead to constipation. Instead, graze on 5 or 6 smaller meals throughout the day.
Limit the consumption of certain foods and medications that can lead to constipation. Medications, such as antacids, and foods, such as bananas, white rice, breads made with refined white flour and dairy products, can produce constipation.
Exercise daily. Thirty minutes of exercise every day can help your digestive system work more effectively and help you avoid constipation.
Go to the bathroom when you feel the need to go. Sometimes, people put off going to the bathroom because of time constraints or other reasons. The delay may make you constipated.