How to Remove Tonsil Stones With Water

Tonsil stones are small particles of food and other mouth debris that get caught in tonsil crevices. The food then rots and spoils in the crevices creating a foul smelling coronal. The coronal grow and grow until one day they fall out. That is, unless you remove them first. It is a nasty business but someone has to do it.


    • 1

      Purchase a water-powered toothbrush. These are sold at most super centers and drug stores. Choose a unit with a very low pressure setting. The tonsils are very sensitive and to shoot a high powered spray of water into them will cause bleeding and pain. Choose older water picks which tend to shoot a softer stream of water.

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      Run water through the unit and test the different pressure settings when you get home. Set the pressure to low and spray your mouth a little to get used to the water.

    • 3

      Place the nozzle directly in front of the tonsil crevice. Turn the unit on. Tilt your head forward over the sick and allow the tonsil stones to run out and down the drain. Do this to each crevice in each tonsil.

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      Repeat Steps 2 and 3 a few days later. Food usually is dislodged the first day and then comes out more easily on the second attempt a day or so later.

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      Continue the process monthly or bi-monthly to keep your tonsils clean and your breath fresher.

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