How to Take Care of Chronic Diarrhea
Things You'll Need
- lactobacillus acidophilus
- good sources of fiber
- balanced diet
Try to figure out what your triggers are. When your stress levels go up or you know you are going to be using antibiotics, you can start doing things to prevent a bout of diarrhea. If you can't stop it, you can at least reduce its severity.
Keep lactobacillus acidophilus on hand. L. acidophilus is the good bacteria that keeps the intestines functioning at maximum efficiency. It should be refrigerated to insure it's potency. If you can buy the capsules, they are the most functional. L. acidophilus can be given to infants as well as adults. Just sprinkle in fruit or fruit juice. I would give my kids half of a capsule in apple sauce. My youngest was three days old when he took it the first time mixed with water.
Add more fiber to your diet. High fiber foods, such as whole bran, rice, and barley will add bulk to your stools. They will also absorb any excess water.
Drink a small glass of wine. Wine kills harmful bacteria that take hold in the intestines and trigger bouts of diarrhea.
There are several teas that provide a balancing effect for the colon. Catnip, blackberry, and elderberry tea are wonderful remedies.
Eat small meals. They can stress the digestive system and cause poor absorption of the nutrients.