How to Reduce Belching
Take your time when you eat and drink. Consuming food and liquid quickly results in swallowing too much air. This air must be expelled by burping.
Refrain from performing activities that cause you to inhale or salivate and swallow repeatedly. Such activities include smoking, drinking through a straw, chewing gum and sucking candies.
Keep away from carbonated drinks and beer. These beverages release carbon dioxide into the stomach and cause burping.
Avoid foods known to cause excess gas in the stomach. Such foods include onions, chocolate, beans, lentils, cabbage, bananas, apricots and sprouts.
Determine whether your burping is directly related to consuming milk-based products. If you belch more frequently after eating dairy, you may be lactose intolerant. A common symptom of this condition is bloatedness, resulting in burping. A medical test can confirm whether or not you're lactose intolerant.