How to Improve Digestion
Chew your food well. If you chew your food until it is in liquid form, your other organs do not have to break down larger chunks of food and can therefore digest your foods more efficiently. This is the best thing you can do above all else to improve your digestion.
Eat foods that make you feel good and avoid foods that your body doesn't like. For instance, avoid foods that give you indigestion, make you feel dragged down or give you lots of gas.
Choose unprocessed foods to improve digestion. Processed foods include junk food or anything that is pickled, cured, has sugar, or has been altered or preserved in any way. These additives can cause a slowing down of digestion.
Drink lots of water. Water helps remove toxins from the digestive tract and helps prevent constipation which slows down digestion.
Eat fruit on an empty stomach. Fruit digests quickly and other foods, especially proteins, take longer to digest. The fruit cannot move on if it is trapped in the stomach with other foods and can rot in the stomach causing gas and making other foods harder for the body to digest effectively.
Relax for at least 30 minutes after eating meals. Your digestive organs need a large portion of your total blood volume to digest food. It cannot use that blood if you are active after a meal because the blood goes instead to your muscles.