How to Prevent Gastritis
Avoid excessive use of alcohol and drink only in moderation. Alcohol irritates the stomach lining and is one of the main culprits in causing gastritis.
Eliminate indigestion by eating several small meals each day rather than 2 or 3 large ones. This helps prevent acid from upsetting your stomach.
Stay away from foods that upset your stomach, especially spicy or deep fried foods.
Quit smoking and avoid secondhand smoke. Smoking irritates the stomach lining making you more susceptible to gastritis and ulcers.
Stop taking aspirin or ibuprofen if possible. For an over the counter pain reliever, try acetaminophen as it won't irritate the stomach lining as much.
Get yourself down to a healthy weight. Heartburn and other digestive problems tend to occur more often in people who are overweight. There are many reasons to shed a few pounds and helping to prevent gastritis is just one of them.
Decrease the stress in your life as much as you can. Stress increases stomach acid and slows down the digestive process. Find some new ways to relax and unwind like walking or yoga.