How to Treat Gastroparesis
Control your diabetes. Uncontrolled blood sugar levels damage the vagus nerve, which is crucial for proper digestion. Blood sugar control after gastroparesis has set is a major factor in the condition's treatment.
Eat 6 to 8 meals a day. This prevents your stomach from having to digest a large amount of food at one time.
Choose foods low in fiber but still nutritious like cooked fruit and vegetables, fish, chicken and yogurt. Fiber is a challenge for the stomach to digest in people with gastroparesis.
Check the fat content of anything you eat. You want to avoid food that stays in your digestive system for a long time because it can cause complications. Your doctor might allow you high-fat liquids if you're suffering from malnutrition.
Add a liquid nutritional supplement to your day. Discuss with your doctor or a nutritionist what vitamins and minerals you're missing. It's always better to get them from the food you eat, but every gastroparesis patient has different food sensitivities.
Ask your doctor about medications. An antiemetic can ease your vomiting and nausea. Some drugs help the muscles of your stomach move food along, but they may cause serious side effects so work on dietary changes first.
Consider surgery only as a last resort. It may make sense if you're constantly vomiting, can't eat because you're feeling nauseous all the time and/or are suffering from malnutrition. Check with your doctor for new treatments for gastroparesis before committing to surgery.