How to Treat Intestinal Worms
Things You'll Need
- Cumin
- Fruit
- Yogurt
- Carrots
- Garlic
Boil 1 qt. water with 3 tbsp. of cumin or coriander seeds. Once the essence of the seed infuses, the water turns light brown. Filter and drink it regularly during the day.
Detoxify your system by going on a fruit and water diet for a few days. The fiber in fruits helps eliminate bowels easily. They also flush toxins from your body, replace lost nutrients and improve the immune system.
Consume probiotic products like yogurt with live and active cultures such as Lactobacillus. They restore healthy bacteria found naturally in our system and aid in curing gastrointestinal infections.
Drink a glass of freshly grated carrot juice or papaya in the morning on an empty stomach. The digestive enzymes kill the intestinal worms.
Swallow two cloves of chopped garlic everyday. Garlic has properties that eliminate intestinal worms.
Consult your physician if symptoms such as loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps and weight loss get worse. Take antidiarrheal medications along with rehydration fluids and electrolytes to replace the lost fluids and nutrients.