How to Prevent Diverticulitis
Eat fiber. The average person does not get enough fiber in their diet. Constipation creates pressure on the colon walls that can cause diverticulitis. Having regular bowel movements will happen if you get enough fiber in your diet. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables and whole grains will all contribute to regular bowel movements.
Drink lots of water. Water intake keeps your digestive system moving and helps cleanse your body so it works at its best capacity. Water cleanses toxins and keeps stool soft which can help reduce constipation.
Cleanse your colon. Colonics can help prevent toxic buildup and pressure which can lead to the sacs or pockets in the colon that can cause diverticulitis. Some people use colonic irrigation while others choose herbal cleanses that help flush the colon of built-up fecal matter. Colon cleansing is optional but can be helpful to those who may not get enough fiber in their diet.
Exercise regularly. Regular exercise is going to help your digestive system and your colon. It not only aids in prevention of constipation but helps to tone your bowels which can strengthen the walls of your colon. Regular exercise will help with prevention of many health problems.
Seek regular medical care. Annual check-ups, colonscopy at the request of your doctor and speaking to a health professional if you have recurrent digestive problems can help you manage your health. If you do develop diverticulitis, you can follow doctor's orders to minimize the flare ups and danger to your health.