How to Relieve Constipation Naturally

Almost everyone has to occasionally deal with constipation. Constipation is typically caused by a person's diet, stress or dehydration. Over the counter and prescription laxatives can be used, but many people grow dependent on these drugs. It is best to use a natural remedy to treat constipation.


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      Eat fiber rich foods. The easiest way to cure constipation is to bulk up on foods that are high in fiber. Bran cereals, whole grains and fruits can all help to relieve constipation.

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      Drink plenty of water. Water helps your bowels move easier.

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      Take a fiber supplement. Metamucil and Benefiber are well known brands. Both brands come in both pill and powder forms.

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      Perform moderate exercise. Jogging or walking briskly helps move your bowels if you are having trouble going to the bathroom.

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      Drink a large glass of prune juice. Many people rely on prunes or prune juice as a way to naturally relieve constipation.

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      Set aside some time to relax. Meditating or listening to relaxing music can help ease along the digestive process.

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