How to Make a Gas Bubble Move
Things You'll Need
- ginger root
- ground cumin
- antacids
Getting Rid of Gas Bubbles Effectively
Move your body. Going for a walk after you eat can really help with digestion. At least 10 minutes of mild to moderate exercise aids the digestive process and prevents trapped gas bubbles. Do stretches to move gas bubbles that feel stuck. For example, lay on your back and hug your knees to your chest, and gently roll from side to side.
Do the wind-relieving pose. According to the ABC of Yoga's website, this pose will help to relieve gas. Lay on a hard surface like a Yoga mat or the floor. Straighten one leg on the ground. Bend the other leg and hug it toward your chest. Hold it under the knee if you have knee issues or are an older adult. Gently lift your chest to meet the knee but keep your low back on the ground. Switch legs and repeat the sequence.
Eat some ginger. Ginger is a digestive aid that can help you expel gas. Chew a sliver of ginger root that is about one-quarter to a half-an-inch thick. You can also have ginger tea. To make the tea, add at least one cup of boiling water to some ginger root. Let the mixture steep for several minutes and drink the tea. Drink a glass of gingerale. Keep in mind that not all beverages that say "ginger ale" contain real ginger. It could be caramel, so check the ingredients.
Use cumin as a spice for your foods. It can stimulate digestion. Gas bubbles are produced when digestion is slow, so cumin prevents gas bubbles from forming or moves then along when they do. If you prefer having tea, put a teaspoon of ground cumin in a mug and add boiling hot water. Pregnant women should consult a doctor before using cumin on a regular basis.
Take an antacid. This medication contains a specific ingredient called simethicone that groups small gas bubbles into larger ones making them easier to exit the body. However, taking an excess of antacids can interfere with other important processes like absorption of nutrients. Check with your doctor if you are taking antacids several times a week.