Stretches for Getting Rid of Bloat
Walking, even within your home, is one of the most effective ways of getting rid of bloat. Walk with your back straight and your arms by your sides at a pace you feel comfortable with. While it may feel unpleasant initially, the process soon begins to work and the intestinal gas dissipates as air moves through your system due to the motion and exercise.
Rear Stretch
If you have an exercise ball, clear a space around it, then sit on it. Put your arms above your head and lean slowly backwards, sliding forwards as you do. Keep going until you're lying flat on the ball, your arms held parallel to the ground and your feet resting flat on the floor, supporting you. Take several deep breaths and hold the stretch for a few seconds before sitting up, then repeat.
Bhastrika or the Bellows
This is a deep breathing exercise that must be done no more than twice a day. Take a deep breath and force it out rapidly. Repeat this five times and ensure the last and first breaths are the deepest. Once you complete these five breaths, do two to three normal breaths, then another round of five deep breaths. As you get more comfortable, decrease the amount of normal breaths you take.
Half Moon
The Half Moon pose stretches your core and abdomen muscles, again encouraging intestinal gas to move around and dissipating the feeling of bloating. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and raise your hands above your head, lacing your fingers as you do so. Bend from the waist to the right as far as you're comfortable, keeping your hands above your head. Take three deep breaths, then straighten and repeat the exercise to the left.