How to Relieve Gas Discomfort

Gas is a natural occurrence and expelled by everyone. On average, a person can have flatulence up to 14 times in one day, indicates the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Gas can cause belching, abdominal pains and bloating. Many causes can attribute to gas, such as swallowing excessive amounts of air or when carbohydrates become fermented within your lower intestines. The most common risk factors for gas discomfort are intolerance for specific foods and intestinal illnesses like irritable bowel syndrome, notes the Mayo Clinic.

Things You'll Need

  • Lactase supplements
  • Digestive aids
  • Activated charcoal
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      Identify gas causing culprits.

      Modify your diet, suggests the National Digestive Information Clearinghouse. Diet modifications will include eating less of foods that cause gas. Vegetables such as leafy greens, fatty foods and high fiber foods, all contribute to gas production. Experiment with your diet until you find what works best for you.

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      Drinking milk with food can make digestion easier.

      Cut out the amount of dairy you ingest. Use lactase supplements to aid in the digestion of lactose when you're intolerant. Lactase supplements are taken prior to ingesting dairy products, which prevents gas.

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      Take digestive aids. Digestive aids work by digesting sugar enzymes found in vegetables and beans.

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      Enjoy your meals instead of wolfing them down.

      Eat your foods at a slower pace. This inhibits excessive swallowing of air. Eating smaller meals can help your body digest foods, instead of letting your meals sit within your intestines.

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      Take activated charcoal, according to the Mayo Clinic. Activated charcoal is taken before and after eating.

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