How to Do a Colonic Cleanse
Things You'll Need
- Fiber supplements
Drink plenty of fluids. The American Dietetic Association recommends that adults drink at least 8 cups of water every day. The water hydrates the body and helps to make stools softer so they can be more easily eliminated. The water also helps to flush away and loosen up debris in all areas of the body. Healthy drinks like fruit juices and vegetable juices are good substitutes for water.
Eat fruits and vegetables to get fiber. Fiber is important for a healthy colon. Fiber-rich foods add bulk to stools so elimination is more regular and frequent. Fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains are all fiber rich foods. The Mayo Clinic suggests adults eat around 20 to 35 g of fiber every day to prevent constipation and to keep the colon in good working condition.
Exercise every day. Another way to get the colon clean is to exercise. The Mayo Clinic reports that physical activity increases intestinal activity. This means that the muscles in the intestines are more active so they are better able to push the fecal matter through the colon and out the rectum. Aerobic exercises like running, swimming, cycling and dancing all are useful. Walking is also good exercise, especially for those who are mostly sedentary or have not exercised in a while.
Take fiber rich supplements. As a last resort for a colonic cleanse, the Mayo Clinic suggests taking over-the-counter fiber supplements. These come in a variety of forms but they work pretty much the same way. They give the body a large amount of fiber to make bowel movements more frequent.
Have a colonic irrigation. While drinking water, eating fiber rich foods and exercising are all natural ways to cleanse the colon, there are mechanical ways as well to clean out the colon. Colonic irrigation or colonic hydrotherapy is a procedure done in a doctor's office or a clinic. Warm water is gently pumped into the colon through a small tube attached to the rectum. The other end is attached to a machine that pumps the water. Once the water is in the colon, a second tube carries the fecal matter out the body. Only a trained colonic therapist should perform this procedure.