Carafate Directions
Speak with your doctor about Carafate. Unlike many other pharmaceuticals, Carafate does not have a standard dose schedule. Your doctor will help create a dosing schedule customized to your situation. Let the doctor know if you have kidney disease, are taking other medications or herbal supplements and your medical history. The doctor will provide all the details concerning Carafate and answer any questions you have about the medication or ulcers in general.
Take the prescribed dose of Carafate. Doctors will often prescribe one to five tablets a day to be taken about one hour before a meal. If you miss a dose, skip it and continue on your regular schedule. No other drugs or antacids should be taken two hours before taking a tablet. Carafate must be taken on an empty stomach for the drug to work properly. Take the full amount ordered by the doctor as a stomach ulcer's symptoms may go away before the ulcer itself is completely healed.
Monitor any side effects from taking Carafate. The No. 1 side effect patients should be aware of is an allergic reaction. A very small number of patients experience a severe reaction to Carafate. Symptoms range from hives and difficulty breathing to swelling of the tongue, face and throat. If you experience an allergic reaction, head directly to the emergency room. Other side effects include nausea, constipation, diarrhea, insomnia and headache. Carafate is considered a safe drug, and side effects are unusual.