What can you eat for diverticulitis?

Foods to Eat for Diverticulitis

* Whole grains: Whole grains, such as brown rice, oatmeal, whole wheat bread, and pasta, are high in fiber, which can help to prevent constipation and reduce symptoms of diverticulitis.

* Fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are also good sources of fiber. Some fruits and vegetables that are particularly good for diverticulitis include apples, pears, bananas, oranges, broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots.

* Low-fat dairy products: Low-fat dairy products, such as milk, yogurt, and cheese, are good sources of calcium and vitamin D, which can help to maintain strong bones and muscles.

* Lean protein: Lean protein, such as chicken, fish, tofu, and beans, is also important for diverticulitis. Lean protein can help to keep your muscles strong and prevent weight loss.

* Healthy fats: Healthy fats, such as olive oil, avocados, and nuts, can help to reduce inflammation and improve symptoms of diverticulitis.

Foods to Avoid for Diverticulitis

* Red meat: Red meat, such as beef, pork, and lamb, is high in fat and can trigger diverticulitis symptoms.

* Processed meats: Processed meats, such as bacon, sausage, and hot dogs, are also high in fat and can trigger diverticulitis symptoms.

* Dairy products with high fat content: Dairy products with high fat content, such as whole milk, cream, and butter, can trigger diverticulitis symptoms.

* Refined grains: Refined grains, such as white bread, white rice, and white pasta, are low in fiber and can trigger diverticulitis symptoms.

* Sugary foods and drinks: Sugary foods and drinks can cause inflammation and trigger diverticulitis symptoms.

Note: If you have diverticulitis, it is important to follow your doctor's recommendations for diet and lifestyle.

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