What shall i do my baby is 2 weeks and he eating 100ml always hungry that normal?
Each baby is different, and some may eat more or less than this amount.
However, if you're concerned that your baby is not eating enough, there are a few things you can do:
* Talk to your doctor or lactation consultant. They can help you assess whether or not your baby is getting enough milk, and can recommend any necessary changes to your breastfeeding or bottle-feeding routine.
* Keep track of your baby's wet and dirty diapers. A good rule of thumb is that your baby should have at least 6 wet diapers and 3 dirty diapers per day.
* Weigh your baby regularly. This can help you track their growth and ensure they are gaining weight appropriately.
Here are some additional tips for breastfeeding a 2-week-old baby:
* Breastfeed your baby for at least 10-15 minutes on each breast per feeding. This will help ensure that your baby gets enough foremilk and hindmilk, which are both important for their health.
* Let your baby nurse as often as they want. This will help them to establish a good milk supply and to meet their nutritional needs.
* Avoid using bottles or pacifiers, as these can interfere with breastfeeding.
If you are formula feeding, here are some tips:
* Prepare the formula according to the package directions. Do not add any extra water or powder, as this can make the formula too dilute or too concentrated.
* Feed your baby the formula at room temperature or slightly warmed. Do not microwave the formula, as this can destroy the nutrients.
* Hold your baby in an upright position while feeding them. This will help to prevent choking.
* Burb your baby after each feeding. This will help to release any gas that they may have swallowed.
It's important to remember that every baby is different, and what works for one baby may not work for another. If you have any concerns about your baby's feeding, be sure to talk to your doctor or lactation consultant.