What is feces made of?
Here are the main components of feces:
1. Water: Feces contain a significant amount of water, usually ranging from 60% to 80% by weight.
2. Fiber: Fiber is the indigestible part of plant foods. It adds bulk to feces and helps regulate bowel movements.
3. Bacteria: The human gut contains trillions of bacteria, many of which are beneficial to health. These bacteria help digest food and produce vitamins. Some of these bacteria are excreted in feces.
4. Undigested food: Some food components cannot be fully digested by the body and pass through the digestive tract undigested. These undigested food particles can include cellulose from plant foods, fats, and proteins.
5. Mucus: The digestive tract produces mucus to lubricate the passage of food and feces. Some of this mucus is excreted in feces.
6. Bile pigments: Bile, a fluid produced by the liver, contains pigments called bilirubin and biliverdin. These pigments give feces their characteristic brown color.
7. Waste products: Feces also contain various waste products, such as urea, creatinine, and ammonia, which are nitrogenous waste products produced by the metabolism of proteins.
The frequency and consistency of bowel movements can vary from person to person. Factors such as diet, hydration, and overall health can influence the appearance and composition of feces. It's important to note that certain changes in stool consistency, color, or frequency can be indicative of underlying health conditions and should be discussed with a healthcare professional if they persist or cause concern.