What are the 6 processes involved in digestion?

The 6 processes involved in digestion are:

1. Ingestion: This is the process of taking food into the mouth.

2. Mastication: This is the process of chewing food, which breaks it down into smaller pieces and mixes it with saliva.

3. Deglutition: This is the process of swallowing food.

4. Gastric digestion: This is the process of digesting food in the stomach, which involves the secretion of gastric juices and the churning of food.

5. Intestinal digestion: This is the process of digesting food in the small intestine, which involves the secretion of pancreatic juices, bile, and intestinal juices.

6. Absorption: This is the process of absorbing nutrients from food into the bloodstream, which occurs in the small intestine.

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