What does constipated mean?
Medical meaning:
In medicine, constipated is an adjective used to describe a condition where an individual has difficulty passing stools or bowel movements. This can be characterized by infrequent bowel movements, stools that are hard and dry, or a feeling of incomplete evacuation. Constipation can be caused by various factors including changes in diet, dehydration, underlying medical conditions, or certain medications.
Figurative meaning:
In a figurative sense, constipated can be used to describe something being mentally or creatively blocked or stuck. This usage is often applied to ideas, projects, or tasks that are difficult to start or progress. People might use the phrase "I'm feeling constipated creatively" to express a lack of inspiration or progress in creative endeavors.
"Mrs. Jones is experiencing constipation and having difficulty with regular bowel movements due to medication side effects."
"I've been feeling creatively constipated lately. I haven't been able to generate any new ideas for my writing project."