Things to Get Rid of Acidic Burps
One of the most common and quickest ways to treat GERD and subsequently get rid of your acidic burps is by using a medication. Three common types of medication used are antacids, H2 blockers and proton pump inhibitors. Antacids work by neutralizing your stomach acidity and are usually made from aluminum or magnesium hydroxides, calcium carbonate or sodium carbonate. H2 blockers block your stomach from secreting acids by stopping the action of histamine, an organic nitrogen compound that can cause acid secretion. Proton pump inhibitors block the secretion of stomach acid by stopping protons from escaping the inside of stomach parietal cells to the stomach cavity.
Two nutrients help alleviate GERD symptoms, including burping. The first, licorice extract, helps the mucosal defense mechanism. The lining of the stomach and esophagus are lined with mucus, which protect both organs and prevent acidic build-up. Licorice extract promotes the concentration of prostaglandins, which in turn promotes mucous secretion and cell proliferation. The second, radish, works as a digestive aid to empty the stomach faster and prevent the accumulation of acid.
A few changes to your lifestyle can also prevent acidic burps caused by GERD. Reducing your weight can help because obesity applies a great amount of pressure on your abdomen and stomach, which in turn can increase the pressure on your esophagus and cause reflux. Certain irritating foods, such as garlic, onions, coffee and citrus fruits, can also cause acidic burps, so try monitoring the foods you eat prior to burping and avoid eating those foods. Try eating smaller, but more frequent, meals. Large meals can prevent your lower esophogeal sphincter from relaxing, which can increase the amount of acid secreted.