Tips to Avoid Hiccups
Moderate Your Diet
According to the Medical News Today website, hiccups typically arise after consuming excessive amounts of alcohol or food. In addition, hiccups occur more often when the belly is bloated. To avoid a bout of hiccups, maintain a moderate diet. Abstain from binging on food or alcohol. According to the Kids' Health website, a diet of spicy food may inflame the lining of the esophagus and the stomach, thus causing a bout of hiccups. So avoid spicy foods if you suffer from frequent hiccups.
Manage Your Environment
Eating or drinking too quickly also can bring on hiccups. Other reasons for hiccups include experiencing intense excitement, exposure to dramatic temperature changes and exhaustion. To prevent hiccups, find ways to manage external stress. Avoid situations that may involve sudden changes in temperature. You may need to slow down your lifestyle, take adequate time to dine in a relaxed environment and get enough rest.
Try Preventive Remedies
According to the Home Remedies and Natural Cures website, a diet that includes yogurt with a sprinkling of salt may prevent hiccups. Orange and lemon juices also provide a healthy defense against hiccups. To treat hiccups, a dollop of peanut butter will bring relief.