The Causes of Gas Pains

The average individual passes intestinal gas anywhere from 10 to 20 times per day, according to the Mayo Clinic. An abundance of intestinal gas can cause intense but short-lived abdominal pain. Abdominal cramps also can result when gas cannot be expelled. Bloating is another common side effect. Intestinal gas and the pain associated with it is caused by a number of factors, including foods and medications.
  1. Food

    • Intestinal gas is most often caused by the bacteria in the digestive system that breaks down the foods we eat. Certain foods, primarily those high in fiber, require more gas-producing bacteria for digestion. Foods that can cause gas pain include vegetables such as cabbage, onions and broccoli. Apples and other fiber-rich foods also will increase gas. Whole grains, dairy, beans and legumes also are common culprits of painful gas. Because the foods that typically create gas are healthy, nutrient-rich foods, it is not wise to avoid them. Try taking a medication that decreases the amount of gas created when you eat gas-producing foods. These are usually taken before a meal. In addition, medications to reduce gas after a meal also are available.

      If you are lactose or gluten intolerant, eating foods containing dairy or gluten can cause painful intestinal gas.

    Swallowing Air

    • Swallowing too much air can cause painful gas. Eating quickly, drinking through a straw and chewing gum all contribute to air in the digestive system. Take your time over meals and relax when eating. Smoking should be avoided.


    • Certain medications can increase intestinal gas. Some antibiotics disrupt the balance of healthy bacteria in the digestive system, resulting in gas pain. Excessive use of laxatives also may cause gas.

    Health Conditions

    • Certain health conditions may cause increased gas, including diverticulitis and inflammatory bowel disease. If intestinal gas is an ongoing and painful problem for you, schedule a visit with your doctor to check for a medical condition.


    • Constipation can enhance intestinal gas and abdominal pain. It also can cause bloating. Decrease constipation by eating plenty of fiber-rich foods. Dehydration can cause constipation; drink plenty of fluids to help relieve constipation and gas.

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