How to Break a Fast Without Gaining Weight
Coming out of a fast is tricky. The digestive system is asleep and has to be woken up slowly. Many people come out of a fast and overeat to compensate for the fast. This leads to nausea and poor digestion and can ruin the health effects of a good fast. If you want to come out of a fast without gaining weight and shocking your system, you must ease yourself back into a proper eating regimen.Instructions
Eat small amounts of food for the first week after breaking a fast. Small handfuls of raw fruit or vegetables at a time will allow your digestive system to wake up slowly and naturally.
Eat when you feel hungry, not according to a schedule. Don't wait for "proper" meal times if you are feeling hungry, and likewise, don't eat at a meal time if you're full. Let your body adjust on its own.
Avoid overloading your system. Hunger can be overwhelming, but if you indulge the urge to stuff yourself, you will gain weight and feel bloated. If you do this, fast again for a day or so and then try to break it again, in a healthier manner.
Avoid eating anything processed for the first week. Pizza or burgers might sound amazing after a fast, but the grease and fat will shock your system and cause you to over-indulge and gain weight.
Drink lots of water. Warm water mixed with a little lemon juice will help re-open the stomach and increase its ability to process foods.
Eat lean proteins after the first five to seven days. Chicken, turkey and fish are all good choices for easing back into a normal eating routine.