Fasting Before a Liver Test
Liver function tests may measure the levels of several compounds found in the blood, some of which can be affected by substances found in food. For example, ascorbic acid and vitamin A can both increase blood levels of bilirubin, a product of the breakdown of hemoglobin. Ascorbic acid can also lower blood levels of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). Fasting before the test ensures that your blood levels have not been temporarily altered by something you recently ate.
Time Frame
The length of time you need to fast before the test varies, depending on which liver function tests your doctor has ordered. Your doctor will inform you how long you should fast beforehand.
In addition to food, some medications, such as aspirin, antibiotics, oral contraceptives and narcotics, can also affect your liver function test results. Your doctor will tell you which medications to avoid based on which liver tests you will be taking.