Are Fleet Enemas Safe?
While Fleet enemas have been used safely for many years, certain people should not use the products. They should not be used in two consecutive weeks. Also those with eating disorders, kidney disease, dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, bowel disease, heart disease, liver disease or recent stomach surgery should avoid using or inform their physician of their conditions prior to use.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a safety alert regarding Fleet enemas and other related products in 2008. This alert was due to reports of acute phosphate nephropathy which is an acute kidney injury occurring in some patients who had used oral sodium phosphate (OSP) products for bowel cleansing prior to medical procedures. This injury was seen in patients who did not present with risk factors for this condition.
It is recommended that patients use the Fleet products only as directed and never use more than indicated. Also, patients should only use prescription type OSP products for bowel cleansing prior to medical procedures according to the FDA . The FDA acknowledges that the products are considered safe in general use and continue to be available over the counter.