Signs of a Clean Colon
Consistently Eat a Healthy Diet
Foods rich in fiber play an essential role in maintaining a healthy colon. These foods include fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains such as minimally processed breads, cereals and rice. Fiber plays the role of cleaning and scrubbing as it passes through the intestines. As fiber passes through the intestines it only becomes partially digested and retains its texture.This allows the fiber to clean out the bowels by carrying out the other fully digested materials that may move more slowly. Conversely, a low-fiber diet leads to problems with constipation.
Exercise on a Regular Basis
According to WebMD, exercise plays a huge role in avoiding constipation. Because exercise causes the muscles of the colon to contract, it helps to move digested matter through the bowels at a quicker rate than during sedentary activities. During physical exertion, the stool does not have enough time to sit still and lose water, thus making it easier to pass.
Drink Plenty of Daily Fluids
A dry stool passes through the digestive system with much greater difficulty than one that has retained water. Drinking plenty of water and other hydrating beverages helps eliminate the potential for a blockage. Water allows the matter in your intestines to remain soft and easier to move. Caffeinated beverages, on the other hand, have a tendency to dehydrate the body, so if you drink coffee or tea, be sure to replenish your fluids with plenty of water throughout the day.
Steer Clear of Colonics
Some alternative treatment centers and day spas offer a colon irrigation procedure called colonics. While some people believe it is healthy to clean out the colon by flushing it with water through the rectum, many experts (including the Iowa Board of Medicine) maintain that colonics constitute an unsafe and unnecessary practice. They can lead to tearing of the bowels as well as a loss of vitamins and electrolytes in the patient. The best way to ensure you have a clean colon is to lead a healthy lifestyle.