How Do I Find a Natural Colon Cleanser Solution?
Things You'll Need
- Carrots
- Ginger root
- Parsley
- Beets
- Apples
- Celery
- Garlic cloves
- Lemons
Avoid junk food. Evaluate your diet. You can maintain colon health naturally by eating a diet high in fiber and low in refined flour, white rice, cheeses, fried foods, junk food, pasteurized milk, wine, beef, carbonated beverages and sugars, all of which are binding and discourage bowel movements.
Lemon water gently cleanses the digestive system. Eliminate consumption of alcohol, caffeine and pasteurized juices and replace them with hot water with lemon, peppermint tea and room temperature filtered (or spring) water to maintain hydration and support digestive functions.
Warm soups relax the colon. Try a modified fast for three to seven days. Avoid all animal proteins, sweets, saturated fats like butter and dry, hard foods like popcorn or chips. Consume only broth-based soups, whole grains and seasonal vegetables.
Steamed food is easy to digest and retains more nutrients. Chew each mouthful of food 50 to 100 times. Boil, steam or bake your food for easy digestion and nutritional absorption.
Walking stimulates digestion. Engage in physical activities like brisk walking, swimming, yoga and Tai-Chi to help stimulate your digestive tract and promote elimination.
Releasing tension helps to cleanse the body. Try abdominal self-massage. To do this, lie on your back with your knees bent, resting together, and your feet on the floor, slightly wider than your hips. Rub your hands together to warm them. Gently slide your palms from your lower right abdomen up to the ribs, across to the left and back down the left side. Repeat this clockwise, circular abdominal massage up to 10 times. When you are finished, roll to your right side and use your arms, not your abdominal muscles, to lift yourself up. This helps stimulate the natural movement of digestion up the ascending colon, across the transverse colon and down the descending colon.
Beets cleanse the organs. Try a fresh juice fast one day each week for a month, with your doctor's approval. With a home juicer, juice a ¼-inch slice of peeled ginger root, 1 beet, ½ apple without seeds and 4 carrots without greens together to make a safe, cleansing cocktail. If you like variety, alternate the previous recipe with this juice: 1 handful of parsley, 4 carrots without greens, 1 clove of peeled garlic and 2 stalks of celery. On your fasting day drink 8 to 10 glasses of water with a wedge of fresh lemon, gently stretch or take a short walk, and add 1 teaspoon of psyllium seed husks to one of your beverages for a safe dose of fiber.