How to Eliminate Intestinal Gas
Change your diet. According to doctors at the Mayo Clinic, baked beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, apples, peaches, pears, peas, lentils, onions, bananas, raisins, whole wheat bread and lettuce may all cause intestinal gas and bloating, both of which can cause sharp abdominal pain.
Avoid fatty foods. Fat slows down the digestive process. This can cause intestinal gas to form, often making it more painful because it will make you feel more full.
Quit smoking. The Mayo Clinic reports that when you smoke cigarettes you are swallowing quite a bit of air. This air becomes trapped in your stomach and turns into intestinal gas.
Do not drink carbonated beverages, which release carbon dioxide gas into your stomach and intestines. Avoid drinking from a straw, which will cause you to unintentionally swallow air.
Eat slowly and do not speak with food in your mouth. Avoid eating hard candies and chewing gum. Both of these bad habits will cause you to swallow air. Check your dentures. All of the aforementioned will cause you to swallow air, trapping it in your stomach, where it will turn into intestinal gas and need to be released.
Cut back on high fiber foods temporarily. Fiber is good for you and aids digestion but, according to the Mayo Clinic, most high fiber foods are also gas producers. Take a break from high fiber foods, or take an over-the-counter gas medication if you plan to eat them.
Exercise regularly, as it helps the body to eliminate gas that has already accumulated.
Talk to your doctor if you change your diet and habits and don't experience any. Chronic gas could be a symptom of a serious medical problem.