Different Kinds of Colon Problems
IBS is the common name for irritable bowel syndrome, or "spastic colon." This affliction troubles many people from adolescence through adulthood. The condition does not appear to be a result of a problem with the structure of the colon but may be caused by a variety of other factors, according to the Medline Plus website.
The muscles that contract to force waste through the colon could move improperly to cause the problem, or the colon itself may not stretch as easily as a normal colon. Sometimes IBS shows up after an intestinal infection.
Symptoms of IBS include inconsistent abdominal pain, bloating, gas, chronic constipation or diarrhea, emotional distress, depression, and a loss of appetite. Many of the symptoms cease immediately following a bowel movement. IBS is not life threatening and can be controlled with medications and by avoiding certain trigger foods.
Colon Cancer
Colon cancer is a potentially deadly disease that usually begins as polyps on the wall of the large intestine. These small clumps of typically non-cancerous cells may become colon cancer over time.
Early detection is an important part of surviving colon cancer. According to the Mayo Clinic website, people should begin screening for colon cancer at age 50, although earlier screening may be necessary for those with a family history of the disease.
Symptoms of colon cancer include bloody stool, a sudden and extended change in bowel habits, abdominal discomfort, a tired feeling, and weight loss.
Ulcerative Colitis
With many of the same symptoms as colon cancer, ulcerative colitis can be a scary condition. It is not as dangerous as colon cancer, but it can have lasting effects for decades. The disease is caused by the chronic inflammation of the large intestine, according to the MedicineNet website.
People with ulcerative colitis generally experience abdominal pain, diarrhea, and rectal bleeding. The disease is most common in the United States and Europe but can be found across the world to some extent.
The causes of ulcerative colitis are not known, but cells and proteins that defend the body against harmful substances by inflaming the intestine are believed to be the cause. This is a normal immune system response, but those with ulcerative colitis tend to have inflammation for no logical reason.