Constipation Relief Strategies
Fiber helps soften stools and promote regular bowel activity. Foods such as vegetables and fruit contain fiber, and adults should eat between 20 and 35 grams of fiber a day to fight constipation. Lack of fiber can harden stools and decrease the frequency of bowel movements. Incorporate fiber-rich foods into your diet and take an over-the-counter fiber supplement to help relieve constipation.
Hard, dry stools can also result from a low intake of fluids. Your body needs water, and drinking plenty of fluids helps keep your body and intestinal tract hydrated. Adequate fluids promote the easy passage of stools and effectively gets rid of constipation. Drink more water and juice, but limit alcohol and caffeinated drinks to avoid dehydration.
Stay Active
Increase intestinal contractions and help the movement of bowels through your digestive tract with regular exercise or physical activity. This doesn't necessarily involve strenuous or tiresome workouts. Go for a daily walk or jog, ride a bike or watch an aerobic DVD.
Limit Dairy
Milk products can induce constipation in people who deal with lactose intolerance or irritable bowel syndrome. Cut out dairy products like milk, cheese and ice cream to reduce hard or infrequent stools, or take over-the-counter digestive enzyme supplements to help your body digest the sugar in dairy products.
Laxatives or Stool Softeners
If unable to relieve constipation on your own, experimenting with laxatives or stool softeners can provide overnight relief. The risk of dependency is high with laxatives. Use them as a last resort and take as directed.