Cleansing Remedies Using Lemon & Water
Liver Cleanse
According the LIVEstrong website, drinking lemon juice with boiling water twice a day can regulate an individual's liver function. This is due to the increased production of liver enzymes resulting from the consumption of lemons. Given that the liver's primary function is to expel toxins from the body, it is vital that this organ is kept healthy and in tact.
Skin Cleanse
The combination of lemon juice and water can help encourage a clear complexion. According to the website Your Best Acne Treatment, lemon and water is a simple and natural remedy for cleansing skin. This is because lemon juice contains citric acid, an Alpha Hydroxy Acid, which promotes the skin's elasticity and skin cell growth. The Your Best Acne Treatment website advocates squeezing one lemon into a glass and adding 16-oz. of water to it. Regularly consuming this drink throughout the day helps to purify the skin.
Kidney Cleanse
The consumption of lemon and water may promote kidney health. According to the LIVEstrong website, drinking a half a cup of lemon juice each day increases citrate levels in the urine, which helps to dissolve calcium. High levels of calcium in the urine can cause painful kidney stones to form and pass through the urinary tract.
Colon Cleanse
The LIVEstrong website recommends a lemon water colon cleanse to decrease levels of bacteria in the organ. The citric acid present in lemon juice helps eliminate toxin and waste build-up in the colon lining. It also acts as an antiseptic, helping to prevent the growth of bacteria. LIVEstrong advocates mixing cayenne pepper with lemon and water for an effective colon cleanse.