How to Treat Acid Reflux or GERD Without Medication
Allow your food to digest before participating in physical activity. Exercising immediately after a meal can cause acid to back flow into your throat and bring on symptoms of reflux.
Wait at least two hours before lying down after eating. Resist the urge to take a nap or lie down after eating a heavy meal. This position allows acid to travel up your esophagus.
Eat in moderation. Treat acid reflux or GERD with portion control. Opt for smaller meals throughout the day, and stop eating once you're full.
Raise the head of your bed six inches to control reflux disease. Lying down throughout the night can trigger reflux disease. Elevate your bed a minimum of six inches at the head. This maneuver helps keep acid in your stomach during the night.
Stop smoking to strengthen the muscles in your lower esophagus. Cigarette use weakens the muscles in the esophagus, wherein acid can easily leave the stomach and travel to the throat. Kick the smoking habit to gain control of reflux or GERD.
Watch your diet. Identify foods and drinks that produce stomach acid and reflux and eliminate them from your diet. Common triggers include tomato products, citrus products, coffee, spicy foods, caffeine and fatty foods.