Aspertame Warnings
Methanol Toxcitity
Aspartame contains methanol, which is an poisonous alcohol substance. When consumed even in small quantities, it can produce symptoms of dizziness, headaches, joint pain, numbness of the legs and depression. Methanol toxicity has led to many false diagnoses of Multiple Sclerosis, a neurological disorder known for its "numbing" symptoms. It also aggravates conditions of those suffering from Lupus. Since methanol alters the dopamine levels in the brain, it has had repercussions on those with Parkinson's Disease. If consumed in high dosages, it can even cause death.
Effects on Children
Aspartame has caused a wide range of conditions in children such as headache, convulsions, depression and rashes. It has also been known to trigger problems with existing conditions such as asthma. Behavior disorders like ADD and ADHD do not react well to aspartame. Consumption can often cause impulsive and violent outbursts. Infants should not consume aspartame since the sweetener could cause brain damage.
Aspartame can be especially dangerous for diabetics. Looking to find a sugar substitute, diabetics may turn to aspartame to sweeten drinks and foods. This consumption makes it very difficult to keep blood sugar levels under control. It can send patients into diabetic coma. Some have died without knowing that their symptoms were caused by aspartame consumption.