What Are the Causes of Bad Belching?
Swallowing Air
People swallow air normally; however, the unconscious swallowing of air, or aerophagia, may lead to excessive belching. People who swallow excessive amounts of air may experience a build-up of air that may cause pressure and bloating. Severe air swallowing can cause Meganblase Syndrome, which results in a large gas bubble in the stomach after heavy meals. Meganblase Syndrome causes chronic belching, a feeling of fullness and shortness of breath.
Certain foods may cause the build-up of gas. Bacteria in the large intestine breaks down undigested or unabsorbed foods, usually carbohydrates like fiber, starches and sugar. Gas-producing foods include fatty foods, beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, lettuce, cauliflower, carbonated drinks, hard candy and fruits. Sorbitol and fructose (fruit sugars) may also cause gas and lead to belching. Persons with celiac disease (an autoimmune disease in the small intestine) or lactose intolerance may experience gas and bloating due to poorly digested food.
Medical Conditions
People may engage in excessive belching to relieve the discomfort caused by nausea, heartburn and indigestion. Excessive belching may be caused by an upper gastrointestinal disease such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), also called acid reflux disease. Peptic ulcers and gastritis produce symptoms that may cause excessive belching as well. Large hiatal hernias may cause belching, heartburn, nausea and chest pain.